The book you are about to read is my own personal story and experiences of my journey through faith and how I met God. It is one of hope, forgiveness, salvation, and healing.
I want to share my story about life struggles and about hardships and how I overcame them.
I would like for people out there to know that you’re not alone through life struggles, depression, loneliness, illnesses, and losses.
Although you may feel alone, you’re really not. There is someone there right beside you each and every single moment who knows your struggles and pain and knows what you are going through. That person is Jesus Christ.
Jesus is with you always; He loves you, and He will never forsake you. In fact, He patiently waits for that day when you will call on Him. He anxiously waits to have a relationship with you, wherever you may be in life.
I think oftentimes people search for someone to understand and accept them just the way they are, but they fall short most of the time because there is only one who can fully satisfy that longing. Only through a relationship with Jesus will you feel complete, and it is there where you find out who you really are. And the good news is He accepts you just the way you are. You don’t have to change or prove yourself to know Him. He offers a personal relationship to everyone who wishes to know Him.
Oftentimes I think we as people like to make our problems bigger than they really are. If we really start to think how great God is, He is the creator of humankind and everything that came into being. If we really started to realize how big God is, then maybe we wouldn’t focus so much on our current circumstances, and we would start to focus more on how God can help us out of our trials.
As you read my story, you will realize that a lot of times I made my problems seem bigger than they really were, and I think that when we do this, we make God seem smaller than He really is.
I have learned through my faith journey that if we bring our problems to God first and let Him deal with them, then we don’t obsess about them so much, and we can focus more on the life God has prepared for each of us.
I have found freedom in bringing all my problems to God and leaving them at the foot of the cross, whether they are big or small. There is definitely freedom in surrender.
I have experienced God’s mercies throughout different trials in my life, and I have had many encounters with Him throughout my faith journey. He is a personal and loving God who desires for all His children to welcome Him into their hearts. There is an empty space in everyone’s heart that God Himself left empty intentionally so that His children would come searching for Him.
I hope that by reading my story, you will get a sense of how wonderful and great God is.
Go on a faith journey
Discover that there is a living God that is with you every moment despite life’s difficulties.
Whatever circumstance you might be facing today, know that God can use it for good.
Perhaps you might be searching for a purpose, an answer, or just something bigger than you, or maybe you’re searching for the truth. Whatever it may be, I hope that by reading A Walk Through Faith, you will be inspired enough to search for your own relationship with God.
Talk to him today. He is listening and waiting for you.